Sunday, November 28, 2010

W00t!! A new post!

Hello my faithful followers!

So I don't actually have a lot to say tonight. I'm mostly just bored and trying to do a little something to make me un-bored. It may or may not work, and I may transfer my bored-ness on to you, my faithful followers. For that I would like to apologize in advance.

I have decided, and since I am writing it here it shall be in the records of the Keepers of the Internets forever, that I am going to start running every day for 30 minutes. I've decided this because I basically hate being out of shape, which I am very much a subject of now. So I'm thinking that 180 minutes of running each week should be plenty of exercise to get back into at least a pseudo-in-shape condition. This training should also help me with my back problems and my boredom problems. At least for a bit. And when the Ecuador kids ask me to play soccer or whatever, I won't be horribly embarrassed by wheezing and panting the whole time.

More good news!! I got my temple recommend tonight! It's not quite final, because I still have to visit with the stake president, but it's still very exciting! It's definitely quite a big event for me. I cannot wait until I can actually go to the temple. I'm really looking forward to the peace that there is in the temple. I'm hoping to go at least once a week until my mission (thank you wonderful Girlfriend for the suggestion). That way I will be good and spiritual when I get to the MTC.

I hope all of you had an awesome Thanksgiving, and that your turkey comas didn't hit you too terribly hard. I'll try to make my next post much more exciting, but I don't promise anything.



  1. It's a great place. Make sure to make a set time to go, otherwise you'll wait to the last minute and miss out.

  2. Time is set. Friday, 12/12, at 11 am. I cannot wait.
