Monday, August 26, 2013

In BYUland!

Hey there y'all!

Well, I have now arrived in Provo and am all set up in my new apartment. I'm super excited to be here at BYU again and be able to study and work and all that fun stuff. I've been pretty productive this week, and productive includes obtaining a job (in event set-up/take-down), getting a new student ID, getting internet taken care of, getting moved in (mostly), getting all the apartment essentials, attending the temple, and the likes. It's been awesome to be so productive, but there is a downside to massive productivity: I am left with little else to do. I'll probably be going to read Pride and Prejudice here shortly (promises to keep!). It's been a good week though.

I was extremely nervous to come back here. I was having all kinds of doubts running through my mind the day that I got here, but I am blessed to have a worthy priesthood holder for a father, and he gave me a blessing Saturday evening, after which I was feeling much better. Now I'm feeling super good about being here and very confident that I'll be able to do whatever is required of me. I'm ready to get back to studying, I'm ready to start working, and I'm ready to have a great time here. I'm excited for all of the wonderful opportunities which I'm going to have here. It's going to be a marvelous time in my life.

Well, that's about it for my update. I know that this week was pretty short, but I just don't really know what else to say. I'm sure that after my first week of school I'll have more to say...or rather this first full week of being here, because school still doesn't start for a week. Anyway, thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to y'all again later! Love ya!


Yeah, she makes me super happy. :D 

It's pretty great.

View from the apartment parking lot. I do so love the mountains.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Let's get it started!

Well howdies folks!!

I've been thinking that it might be good to start up on my blog again seeing as I'm going to college again Friday. I'd really like to be able to show this to my kids and let them see how much of a goof/nerd/stud I was, and so that they can see that I'm not that different from now. So I shall now let you know what's going on in my life! I know you're all super anxious to know what's going on. ;)

As I hinted in the first sentence, I'm going back to BYU this Friday. Well, I move in Saturday and school starts back up the 3rd of September. I'm trying to get into the business management major, so this semester and the next will be spent getting my grades up and prerequisites done. I will be getting a job as well, and because of the busyness of my schedule I won't be doing track. I have loved jumping and everything, but it's just not as fun nor does it hold my interest as much anymore. I'm much more interested in doing obstacle races, especially the Spartan Race. So my future roommate and I shall be training for the Spartan Race. It's going to be pretty awesome, especially because training with a partner works a lot better than training solo. So I'm excited to study again and to have fun college experiences, to make new friends and to get my grades up!! I'm really excited to be rooming with a mission bud too, so that will be even more fun! It's going to be way fun.

The one and biggest reason that I am not looking forward to going to BYU is because that means that I must leave my girlfriend behind. I've met an incredible and wonderful young lady by the name of Anna, and we've been together for a little more than a month. So it's a budding relationship still, but we've budded a bit. I'm really excited to see how our relationship grows, and my time at BYU will be a great building block for both of us. Anna is quite the young lady. She loves life, she loves people, she loves to laugh (a lot), she's super active/athletic (she is very good at football [:D]) and she makes me want to be a better person. I really love being with her, and she tolerates me rather well. ;) In short she makes me incredibly happy and I am very blessed to be with her.

Serving in the Church has been very rewarding. I've been able to see God's hand at work time after time. It's been wonderful to see how the Priesthood has been able to help bless many people's lives. I have loved every moment of service in the Church. I am so grateful for the Church. :) Jeffrey's mission has been going super fantastic as well, and I dare say he's growing more than I did! ...perhaps. Check it out!! I love to hear about how he's doing, and I am terrifically proud of his work and all that he does. He's pretty great.

Well, this blog should be updated more frequently now that I'll be away again. Even if no one reads this blog, I will be able to measure myself and see my own progress, and that might be the most important thing. I love all you guys a whole bunch, and I hope that your lives are progressing beautifully! CuĂ­dense! :D

Rambutan! Or achotillo in Ecuador. Tasty!