Friday, February 22, 2013


Hey howdy hey!

Well, a Monday post didn't happen. In fact, it's Friday, which is far from Monday, but at least I'm writing something, no? I hope everyone has had a wonderful time since I last wrote, and I hope that times will continue/begin to be wonderful after now.

I've had quite an eventful week. I had a visit from Michelle which was quite wonderful indeed! It was amazing to see her after around 2,5 years of not seeing her in person. In truth it was a tad surreal, and it was a very good visit in many aspects. After that visit I made some decisions that I feel were the Lord's will, and then I continued doing everything that I could to get back into the swing of things. The day after Michelle's visit I looked a bit more for work, as I've been doing since week 1 back, which included a phone call to find out the results of an interview that I'd had earlier. The results of the interview weren't the greatest, but the results of the phone call were wonderful. The helpful recruiter informed me of another company that was hiring and asked if I'd be interested in working for them. I said yes, and the next day I went in to fill out paperwork. I didn't actually know that the paperwork would be for my almost immediate employment with the company, but that's exactly what it was. So now, almost 3,5 weeks after returning from my mission, I was employed. I would say that's fairly good work. I'm also happier right now than I have been for quite some time. So, what does any of this have to do with the title of this post? I know that I have received these blessings because of my efforts to stay constantly diligent in the things of the Lord.

What exactly is diligence? says "constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken" is the definition of diligence. In a more spiritual context, diligence can be defined as "consistent, valiant effort, especially in serving the Lord and obeying his word" (The Guide to the Scriptures). Diligence is actually part of the gospel: endure to the end. You can't endure to the end unless you're diligent. When one sees that you have to be diligent until the end, one can be slightly daunted by that thought. Until the end can be a long time. In my case the end might not come for another 65-70+ years. That's a long time. So how can one be diligent constantly? My mom has a saying that can be applied to this situation: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." How is one constantly diligent until the end? One day at a time. But what is it in which we must be diligent? 

There are many things which we must do in this life, and we should be diligent in most all of them. But as it says in Alma, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6, The Book of Mormon). Church leaders constantly impress upon us the need to do several things: daily scripture study; have personal and family prayers; attend Church meetings regularly; and hold family home evenings weekly. By doing these small and simple things, one will be able to develop the faith needed to live the gospel, a faith that leads to repentance, keeping of baptismal and other covenants, living worthy of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and, yep, enduring to the end. These four small actions will lead to a lifetime of diligence and happiness. And while I have not yet experienced a full lifetime, I can testify that diligence does bring happiness and blessings beyond measure. I have tried hard to be diligent in these weeks that I have been back from the mission. I have tried to study the scriptures daily, pray daily, and attend Church activities and meetings. Family Home Evening is a bit of a challenge for our family, but we'll be working on that. I have also been diligent in seeking for answers and seeking for blessings, i.e. work. And now I'm starting to see blessings. If I hadn't been diligent, I know that I wouldn't be in the position in which I am right now. And I can testify to all of you that you too can receive all of the blessings that you need if you are diligent day by day. And if you're being as diligent as you can and things aren't changing, remember this quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley: 

I testify of the veracity of President Hinckley's words. 

I'm looking forward to these next weeks. I know that I'll continue to be stretched and to grow (like I need to get any taller), and I'll continue to learn. I'll find more challenges and more happiness, and "things will work out." I hope that everyone can take a bit of courage from this message and be diligent in all the things, one day at a time. I love you all and wish you all the blessings that Father has for you! May we be diligent in finding them! 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Of new beginnings

Hello my friendlies and strangerlies and families!...that doesn't work as well with families...oh well!

I'd like to apologize for not having written Monday. I'll try to be better at that. I think this week I will be trying to manage my time better, and to do so I will be planning out my time more. I've found that if I don't plan to do anything, it's very likely that I won't do anything. Funny how that works. So the inverse should also be true, no? We'll find out.

Last week I said that I would be trying to work on my patience, and it's a little bit better. I'm still not the most patient person in the world, but I'm at least trying to accept that things won't happen right away. I need to study about patience better, and as I do I'm sure I'll get better.

I'm still learning how to do deal with post-mission life, and today has been no exception. There are so many things that can change over the course of two years. While in the mission, one has an interesting perspective of the world from whence he came. He hears that siblings go to school events and get awards, parents get new church callings, vacations are had, and the like, but none of those things are really real for the in-field missionary. That missionary slightly expects things to be somewhat the same when he returns. He "knows" that things will be different because others have told him so, but he doesn't expect to what extent.

When that missionary returns, he hopes for people whom he left behind to be there to receive him. He hopes for any past loves to be there, any friends, all family, and then he can receive a shock. Friends, while they have the same faces, have changed. Past loves have moved on. Family is different but the same as well, but they're always there for you (thank goodness for that). It can be a difficult time for the missionary. In his past life (i.e. the mission), he knew who he was and where he fit in. He knew who his friends were, he had a family in every ward, and romantics wasn't really a problem because there wasn't time nor a need for it. Life was comfortable. And then getting thrown back into "real" life is...hard. Almost immediately life demands your full attention with schooling, jobs, and searching out that eternal companion. Your friends have almost all graduated from college and are moving on with their lives, and you don't know where you fit in. It's just a lot to do, and if he doesn't have support from someone, real life starts looking bleak.

But he always has someone to count on, even if everyone else has moved on; his Heavenly Father. God never moves, never wavers, and never changes His feelings towards said missionary. He is always there for him. Even in the darkest, most lonely moments, Heavenly Father is there. That is so wonderful! And what more is that Heavenly Father isn't just there to say, "It'll be better", but He actually knows personally what that missionary is going through. God knows the exact things that that missionary should do to be able to move past the pain and the loneliness. If that missionary is faithful, he will receive all of the divine guidance that he needs to find happiness again, and any holes that have been left by unexpected change will be patched up again. All it requires is faith, diligence, and obedience to all that that missionary knows to be true. Little by little the darkness of a bleak life starts to dissipate and the dawn of a new life appears again on the horizon. Further striving brings the tangible blessings, and that missionary finds his place in his new life. I know that this is true because, as you have most likely guessed, I am living proof. The last part is still to be experienced, but I know that it will happen. I know that my Heavenly Father loves and knows me. He has seen all that I have passed through, and He will reward me according to my loyalty to Him, even when the world would have me follow an easier path. I know that all will be well, that I will find a job, get a wonderful education, and find a perfect woman for me, and I know that it will all be in God's time. So I'll just do my duty and let God do the rest.

I hope that I've helped someone out there besides myself. Sometimes these blog entries serve me to remember what I know, so if no one else learns anything, at least I learned something! I hope you have a wonderful week, and I will see you when I see you! Love y'all!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm baaaaaack!

Hello my loyal followers and first-timers and everyone in between!

So it's been a little while since I've written here, and I decided that it was time to repent of my negligence and start a-writing again. So here I go! First off, thank you to everyone who has welcomed me back from the two most extraordinary years of my life until this time. I have felt very welcomed back and you have helped me adapt to this strange new life. Thanks guys!

Adapting is still taking time...I think. I don't know, I haven't really allowed myself a break or anything since I got home. I've been looking almost daily for a job, going to the temple (twice since I've returned!), going to Institute, and the like. It's been a busy week. I've been learning a lot though. I've learned that I really, really don't like not having anything to do, which is probably good because that means that I usually look for things to do. Unfortunately, facebook is always available, so that's been taking up some time, but I will be getting better at limiting my time there. I've also learned that being home requires a lot of patience. A lot. I have the mindset that I should already have a job and be working out daily and have found my eternal companion and such. I mean, I have been home for a full 9 days now. That should be plenty of time to have done all of those things, no? I'm finding out that while it's good to have a drive to do all of those things, I need to accept all things in the time of the Lord. I know that the Lord will help me to accomplish all things, especially my righteous desires. Or perhaps I don't know that as well as I should, and that's why I don't have any patience. Anyway, I am going to learn how to be patient. I'm sure I've said that before, and I truly believe that at some time in my life I was indeed somewhat patient. I need to relearn patience though. I'll be studying patience more and letting you guys know how I'm doing. All I know right now is that if I diligently strive to have patience and am asking for patience on a daily basis, I will someday become patient. It's the someday part that I still have trouble with though. :D I love this statement by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (Patience, a Key to Happiness):
We should not be unduly discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can. Rather, we should be satisfied with our progress even though it may come slowly at times.
I am going to do my best, and I know that I will be satisfied with my progress, no matter how fast or slow that progress comes. This also reminds me of something that President Thomas S. Monson is fond of saying: "Do your duty, that is best. Leave to the Lord the rest." And thus shall I do.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week, and if your week has been less than stellar, perhaps you could take a couple of moments to think of the wonderful, everyday blessings that you receive, and then thank Heavenly Father for those things. Being grateful brings happiness, I promise you that. Have a wonderful week! I would tell you when I will next be writing, but I don't know when that will be. I'll try to do so Monday so as to stay on the former schedule. I love you guys! Thanks for your support in all that I do!


P.S. ...was that ending weird for you too?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Elder Schomburg's Homecoming

I couldn't let a Monday evening go by without posting just one more time.  Elder Schomburg's arrival last Tuesday was a most amazing, emotional day and I thought I would share the photos with all of you. Enjoy and cry - I dare you not to! :)


The adventure begins...

Excited, happy, apprehensive

Self portrait by the photographer

Not even a snow storm dims that smile!

Checking the flight information...

What a ham!


Mother and child reunion

Tears, smiles, tears, smiles, tears...

Welcome home son!
One proud papa

A melt-your-heart moment

Big brother, big hug

The emotions just overflow!
**Due to the emotional incapacity of the photographer, 
hugs between the two older brothers were inadvertently missed. :)

Well done thou good and faithful servant.

All is right with the Schomburg world.
He's home!

Always ready with a smile.

Moonlight Diner
Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice
The Elder-in-waiting
Long day for the siblings
This is what 30 hours of no sleep and international travel look like.

It's not the end, it's only the beginning...