Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hark! a Solution!

During my times of media perusing, I have noticed that there seem to be some trends with most problems that I see. Most problems I see revolve around a couple of different things; alcohol, drugs, premarital sex, and pornography. However, I believe I have discovered a solution to each of these problems! I'll give you some problems and the appropriate solutions for them.

Situation 1: In a web comic that I saw in passing, two of the main characters got into an argument, and are possibly breaking up, because the female character looked at the male character's porn collection, which he had specifically asked her not to do. Feelings were hurt on both sides, and what was once a wonderful relationship is now crumbling down around the characters.
Solution 1: Just don't do it! This whole problem could have been avoided had the characters decided to not look at porn. Porn is always more hurtful than not, so just not looking at it in the first place will save many people an enormous amount of heartache and trouble.

Situation 2: A man or woman decide to go to a bar and have a few drinks. A few turns into several, and before that person knows it, he/she is roaring drunk, and all personal restraint has gone out the window. The person wakes up the next morning with a raging headache, wearing clothes that don't belong to him/her, and in a foreign place. Or perhaps this person wakes up in his/her best friend's bed, and the female in the situation calls the guy a bit later to inform him that she's now pregnant. In the following months, this couple must now determine what to do with the child, how to raise it, or if they want to give it up for adoption. There can be child support claims filed, loss of trust and respect, and a loss of respect for one's self. The child will also have a much lower chance of being raised in a nurturing environment (okay, I know, there were a couple of situations there, but they're similar and lead to a similar solution).
Solution 2: Just don't do it! If this person had decided to not drink alcohol in the first place, it is highly likely that none of these situations would have happened. Perhaps that person would have just had some laughs as his/her friends got drunk. Perhaps that person would have gone home, gotten a good night sleep in a familiar bed, and scored well on that o-chem midterm he/she had in the morning. In my opinion the risks of drinking alcohol far outweigh any short-term fun that is to be had.

Situation 3: Now this situation most of you will recognize if you watch TV. A person goes out with his friends with no intent of doing anything wrong or out of the ordinary. A friend compels this person to partake in a drug. This person accepts, thinking it'll just be one time. Before this person has any idea that an addiction is forming, he is selling his grandma's engagement ring (which she gave to him "just in case that special person happens to walk by") to buy more drugs. His entire life now revolves around drugs, and he has forsaken his family and his friends in the pursuit of his next high.
Solution 3: Can anyone guess it? That's right! Just don't do it! If this person had just said, "No thanks bro," he would still have friends, a job (most likely...hopefully...), his family, and his grandma's engagement ring, which might even be on the finger of some lucky girl. The chance of getting addicted to drugs is way too high for doing them even once to be a good idea. Those D.A.R.E people actually knew what they were talking about, folks.

Guys, just don't do it. Any of the aforementioned things. It just isn't worth it in my opinion. The heartbreak, suffering, and pain that is inherit with these actions is never worth the momentary gratification. I find it amazing that 177 years ago there was already a proclamation warning people of the dangers of what I have talked about. In February of 1833, revelation from God was given through Joseph Smith warning of the dangers of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, long before the harmful physical side-effects of these substances was known to professionals. This proclamation is known as the Word of Wisdom. Additionally, in the 10 Commandments, given through Moses from God to the world, it is stated that "Thou shalt not commit adultery," which includes premarital sex. Having tried my hardest to follow the Word of Wisdom and the 10 Commandments, and having failed at times, I have a firm and unshakable testimony of the truthfulness of these words. I know that if we follow the words that God has given to us that we will be able to lead lives that are not more restrictive, but rather more liberating and happier than any life we could live without His words. I know His words are true, and I intend to follow them to the best of my abilities.


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. So many people don't realize how "well I just want to try it" really ends up hurting them. It only takes one time, and then you literally fall into something with no way out. Once you break those precious boundaries, there is no turning back. So people need to know in advance how badly situations can go based on addictions and the need to do bad things to...well, I don't know if there is a good reason for it.

    Good advice: JUST DON'T DO IT!
