Monday, July 11, 2011

Where in Ecuador is Elder Schomburg?

Hello all!

This week has indeed been rather crazy, but everything is going well. I am currently in Santo Domingo and in a trio with Elders Smith and Fernelius. Both are from the States, and Elder Smith is training Elder Fernelius, and now I'm training him too I guess. It's all rather strange, because up until yesterday I was still in a companionship with Elder Larrea. Saturday I was in an interchange with Elder Buckland, so I was in La Concordia for the night. Sunday morning we got a call that someone had called the mission president to tell him that Elder Larrea was in jail for stealing, even though he really wasn't. So President Ghent decided to change Elder Larrea to Quito for his safety or something, and this occurred while I was still in La Concordia. So for a bit I was companionless, though I was still physically with Elder Buckland. But now I'm with Elders Smith and Fernelius until at least the end of the month when we might have more changes. Whew. Yeah. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Elder Larrea before he had to go! That was a bit saddening. Oh well. Hopefully he'll actually be able to finish out his mission (all 20 days that he has left). So yeah, that's what's happened to me this week.

I was very glad to hear that Dad got to go to the St. George Temple. That sounds like a rather amazing experience. I miss the temple a bit, so I'll have to make it a priority to go when I get back. But for now, I'll focus on helping in saving the people here.

Huzzah for starting classes Mom! That sounds exciting. It'll definitely be a bit challenging, but it'll be worth it. I hope that you are able to find time to do everything that you need to do. I'm still kinda learning how to study, so hopefully you can find out how to do so sooner than I. You're doing amazing things Mom. I'm very very proud of you.

I've been asked to share a personal experience with feeling the Spirit or receiving comfort or  something through prayer. Well, that's a bit hard for me right now. I can't remember anything specifically at this moment. Many times when I'm feeling down or discouraged all I have to do is say a little prayer in my heart and I almost immediately feel better. I know when that happens it's because my Heavenly Father is sending me His love and comfort. It's always amazing and incredible for me to feel that feeling, especially because it's so strong and so immediate. I know without a doubt that there is a Heavenly Father, and that he is always looking out for us. It doesn't matter how sad you are or how much strength you need, He is always there to freely impart upon us. Also, if your "mamita" makes a soup that is a bit tough to completely finish, you can always say a personal prayer while you're walking to lunch that you'll be able to recoginize the blessing of the food and that you'll be able to eat all of it, and then somehow at the end of lunch, you won't have anything left in your bowl or on your plate. He will answer absolutely all of your prayers if you have enough faith.

I'll be having a trial these next couple of weeks I'm thinking. Elder Fernelius is a bit...headstrong I guess you could say. Since I'm kinda like his father-in-law now, his training is now on my shoulders as well. He's one that kinda needs to be kept on a short leash, because if you give him an inch he will walk all over you and you won't be able to get anything done. He's a tad...prideful I guess you could say. He hasn't been in the mission long (this week will complete one month for him I think...maybe less), so he still needs to humble himself a bit. But I'm sure that Elder Smith and I will find a way to help him out.

Well, I need to go. I got a lot of pouch this week. A lot. So, I'm gonna be a bit behind (even more so), but the letters will get written. Thank you all for writing to me. Oh, the address for the offices changed. Letters and packages should now be sent to;

Misión Ecuador Quito
Calle Robles E4-515 y Ave. Amazonas
Casilla: 17-03-078
Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Thank you everyone! I'll send a letter package this Thursday. I love you all, and I can't wait to hear from you again. Cuídense!

Elder Schomburg

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