Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy, Healthy, Strong!

Hello to all!!

This day finds me happy, healthy, strong, and in good spirits. All is well! Yesterday we had two more baptisms. Ana and Juliana, sisters of Samantha, who was baptized the last week, were baptized, and they were all very very happy. It's been quite an incredible thing to see all of the daughters of that family be baptized. The slightly silly thing is that we learned that they don't actually pertain to our ward, but to the neighbouring ward. We always teach them in the chapel, so we didn't know where they lived until the day before they were baptized. But all is well and things will be sorted out.

We were also able to find a new family, the Tigre family. And, in case you didn't guess by the name, "tigre" is "tiger", and the husband's name is Diego, just like the saber tooth tiger in Ice Age. His name would only be more awesome if it were Tony. Anyway, this family is wonderful. The wife told us that she had recently prayed to receive more guidance in her life, and then we showed up. In the first lesson, she told us that we had basically wiped her slate blank and she was starting all over again, but in a very good way. I know that the only reason that we were able to teach clearly to the family and help them see the truthfulness of our doctrine is because the Holy Ghost was able to touch their hearts. We absolutely love this family, and hopefully they'll be able to baptized the 4th of August.

Today we went to lunch at a way good Mexican food restaurant. That's what that photo of all of the missionaries is about. It was darn tasty food, too.

I don't think I have too terribly much more to say today. I hope that everyone is doing well and that all are strong and happy. There's a talk that I think would be good for everyone to go over again that President Uchtdorf gave this past General Conference. Here's the link: The Merciful Obtain Mercy Everyone should read this one again because it's wonderful. Have a wonderful week, and I love you all!

Elder Schomburg

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