Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Last Two Cents

Hello everyone!

The time has arrived for me to say a last good bye to all. In approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes I will be set apart as a missionary, and I won't have any access to a computer or cell phone. I cannot wait to start this journey and experience. I am so incredibly excited, but it hadn't really hit me that I am going on a mission until last night/early this morning. I'm really doing this. I'm going on a mission for two years, and I'm going to be spreading the Lord's gospel for two whole years. That is so exciting, and it's slightly scary as well. I am going to miss many people so much, but I know that the goodbyes that I have already said are not forever. I'll see you guys again, and I'll be an even better person when we meet again. There are certainly some that I'll miss more than others, and do indeed miss very much even right now, but again, I'll see them again.

In the past couple of weeks, I have had some rather eye-opening experiences. I've never really thought that I hated or really disliked by people, but I had never really thought that I've had such an effect on so many people. Many people have told me that they will really miss me, and many of these people I didn't even know that I had made any impression on them. I have had people tell me that they love talking talking to me, that they are so proud of me, and that they are going to miss me a very large amount. All of these things that people have told me have really humbled me. I am so grateful that people hold me in such high regard. I've jokingly complained about how people are now looking up to me, so people now have expectations of me. But really, this is a great honor. Thank you so much everyone for believing in me and for supporting me. I love you guys so much.

I am so excited that I can go out and spread the word of the Lord for two years. I have such a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, and I cannot wait to teach more people the full gospel of the Lord. I am so excited to be able to learn Spanish, and to experience everything that is in store for me. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church upon the earth, and that Thomas S. Monson is the true prophet and leader of the church. I know that Joseph Smith did translate the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Christ. I know that I will be doing the Lord's work, and that the Book of Mormon is completely true. I know these things without a shadow of a doubt. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I love you guys so much. I hope that you'll follow me through my journey, and that you'll enjoy reading about my adventures and personal growth. I hope that if anyone does not quite understand why I am going on this mission or if anyone who reads this doesn't quite agree with what I'm doing that they may be able to learn more about why am doing this and that they will be more reconciled about the mission. I cannot wait to see you all again. Please write, and I'll do my best to write back, and please continue to follow this blog. Mi madre will be taking over and posting updates about me about once a week, so make sure to keep checking. I love you guys!


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