So it's been a little while since I've written here, and I decided that it was time to repent of my negligence and start a-writing again. So here I go! First off, thank you to everyone who has welcomed me back from the two most extraordinary years of my life until this time. I have felt very welcomed back and you have helped me adapt to this strange new life. Thanks guys!
Adapting is still taking time...I think. I don't know, I haven't really allowed myself a break or anything since I got home. I've been looking almost daily for a job, going to the temple (twice since I've returned!), going to Institute, and the like. It's been a busy week. I've been learning a lot though. I've learned that I really, really don't like not having anything to do, which is probably good because that means that I usually look for things to do. Unfortunately, facebook is always available, so that's been taking up some time, but I will be getting better at limiting my time there. I've also learned that being home requires a lot of patience. A lot. I have the mindset that I should already have a job and be working out daily and have found my eternal companion and such. I mean, I have been home for a full 9 days now. That should be plenty of time to have done all of those things, no? I'm finding out that while it's good to have a drive to do all of those things, I need to accept all things in the time of the Lord. I know that the Lord will help me to accomplish all things, especially my righteous desires. Or perhaps I don't know that as well as I should, and that's why I don't have any patience. Anyway, I am going to learn how to be patient. I'm sure I've said that before, and I truly believe that at some time in my life I was indeed somewhat patient. I need to relearn patience though. I'll be studying patience more and letting you guys know how I'm doing. All I know right now is that if I diligently strive to have patience and am asking for patience on a daily basis, I will someday become patient. It's the someday part that I still have trouble with though. :D I love this statement by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (Patience, a Key to Happiness):
We should not be unduly discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can. Rather, we should be satisfied with our progress even though it may come slowly at times.I am going to do my best, and I know that I will be satisfied with my progress, no matter how fast or slow that progress comes. This also reminds me of something that President Thomas S. Monson is fond of saying: "Do your duty, that is best. Leave to the Lord the rest." And thus shall I do.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week, and if your week has been less than stellar, perhaps you could take a couple of moments to think of the wonderful, everyday blessings that you receive, and then thank Heavenly Father for those things. Being grateful brings happiness, I promise you that. Have a wonderful week! I would tell you when I will next be writing, but I don't know when that will be. I'll try to do so Monday so as to stay on the former schedule. I love you guys! Thanks for your support in all that I do!
P.S. ...was that ending weird for you too?
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