Monday, August 26, 2013

In BYUland!

Hey there y'all!

Well, I have now arrived in Provo and am all set up in my new apartment. I'm super excited to be here at BYU again and be able to study and work and all that fun stuff. I've been pretty productive this week, and productive includes obtaining a job (in event set-up/take-down), getting a new student ID, getting internet taken care of, getting moved in (mostly), getting all the apartment essentials, attending the temple, and the likes. It's been awesome to be so productive, but there is a downside to massive productivity: I am left with little else to do. I'll probably be going to read Pride and Prejudice here shortly (promises to keep!). It's been a good week though.

I was extremely nervous to come back here. I was having all kinds of doubts running through my mind the day that I got here, but I am blessed to have a worthy priesthood holder for a father, and he gave me a blessing Saturday evening, after which I was feeling much better. Now I'm feeling super good about being here and very confident that I'll be able to do whatever is required of me. I'm ready to get back to studying, I'm ready to start working, and I'm ready to have a great time here. I'm excited for all of the wonderful opportunities which I'm going to have here. It's going to be a marvelous time in my life.

Well, that's about it for my update. I know that this week was pretty short, but I just don't really know what else to say. I'm sure that after my first week of school I'll have more to say...or rather this first full week of being here, because school still doesn't start for a week. Anyway, thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to y'all again later! Love ya!


Yeah, she makes me super happy. :D 

It's pretty great.

View from the apartment parking lot. I do so love the mountains.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Let's get it started!

Well howdies folks!!

I've been thinking that it might be good to start up on my blog again seeing as I'm going to college again Friday. I'd really like to be able to show this to my kids and let them see how much of a goof/nerd/stud I was, and so that they can see that I'm not that different from now. So I shall now let you know what's going on in my life! I know you're all super anxious to know what's going on. ;)

As I hinted in the first sentence, I'm going back to BYU this Friday. Well, I move in Saturday and school starts back up the 3rd of September. I'm trying to get into the business management major, so this semester and the next will be spent getting my grades up and prerequisites done. I will be getting a job as well, and because of the busyness of my schedule I won't be doing track. I have loved jumping and everything, but it's just not as fun nor does it hold my interest as much anymore. I'm much more interested in doing obstacle races, especially the Spartan Race. So my future roommate and I shall be training for the Spartan Race. It's going to be pretty awesome, especially because training with a partner works a lot better than training solo. So I'm excited to study again and to have fun college experiences, to make new friends and to get my grades up!! I'm really excited to be rooming with a mission bud too, so that will be even more fun! It's going to be way fun.

The one and biggest reason that I am not looking forward to going to BYU is because that means that I must leave my girlfriend behind. I've met an incredible and wonderful young lady by the name of Anna, and we've been together for a little more than a month. So it's a budding relationship still, but we've budded a bit. I'm really excited to see how our relationship grows, and my time at BYU will be a great building block for both of us. Anna is quite the young lady. She loves life, she loves people, she loves to laugh (a lot), she's super active/athletic (she is very good at football [:D]) and she makes me want to be a better person. I really love being with her, and she tolerates me rather well. ;) In short she makes me incredibly happy and I am very blessed to be with her.

Serving in the Church has been very rewarding. I've been able to see God's hand at work time after time. It's been wonderful to see how the Priesthood has been able to help bless many people's lives. I have loved every moment of service in the Church. I am so grateful for the Church. :) Jeffrey's mission has been going super fantastic as well, and I dare say he's growing more than I did! ...perhaps. Check it out!! I love to hear about how he's doing, and I am terrifically proud of his work and all that he does. He's pretty great.

Well, this blog should be updated more frequently now that I'll be away again. Even if no one reads this blog, I will be able to measure myself and see my own progress, and that might be the most important thing. I love all you guys a whole bunch, and I hope that your lives are progressing beautifully! Cuídense! :D

Rambutan! Or achotillo in Ecuador. Tasty! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Gospel and the World

Hello all!

I think this post will be about a week after my last one, so I'm doing better! Huzzah! It's kinda weird how one can loose track of time so quickly, especially when one's life is dominated by routine (work, eat, sleep, repeat).

This week had some interesting events, but I think I'll probably just share one of those events. I won't say any names so as to keep confidentiality. It all started with a Facebook post that I made concerning some of my political views. Sharing my political views on Facebook was a huge thing for me because I generally try to stay out of politics and when I do have opinions, I don't usually share them publicly. They were opinions on some rather controversial topics in Colorado right now, and I was expecting someone to post his/her opinions on the topics as well, but I didn't prepare myself to be attacked, nor for my character to be attacked, and especially not from people that I thought were friends. As I was trying to defend my points of view, some of those with whom I was conversing started to attack my character and making false assumptions about me. It was rather shocking for me. I was okay with having an enthusiastic conversation regarding our viewpoints on these topics, but I didn't once call into question the character of those with whom I was talking nor attempt to offend anyone. It was a rather saddening event for me, but it really got me to thinking why someone would attack someone else just because his views are different. It was also saddening to see someone so blinded by the world that they couldn't see the dangers of some of the current issues. They would have accepted some immediate freedoms at the expense of future freedoms. I believe it has to do with a lack of the Gospel in the lives of those people.

With the Gospel in my life, I have a very different viewpoint on life. I believe that I am able to see future repercussions better because of the Gospel. I have an understanding of what God wants for His children and what will happen if we don't obey Him, and with that knowledge I can see better what will happen in the future because of what we do now. I can understand that by doing what God has told us, which He has always told us and will always tell us, we will be blessed to a greater extent than if we do not do what He says. Some people think that my opinions, which generally reflect God's will, are out of date, archaic, old-fashioned, and that they don't have a place in today's society. But the thing is that God's will has always been, is, and will always be the correct path, no matter in what age we live, because we, as humans and, more importantly, children of God, do not change. Sure, technology advances, literature and art styles change, new difficulties are presented, but we are no different now in nature than Adam and those of his time. The majority of people don't see it that way though. They think that because the world is changing, the way we conduct our lives, our morals, everything about us, also needs to change. The world is too focused on fixing the now than ensuring a future that is happier and better for all. And there are hundreds of millions of people that are so caught up in the world that they change right along with it, never mind if the world's change would compromise one's character. It's something that truly saddens me. But those who have the Gospel and understand it can stand firm throughout all of their lives. They can lead a life that is truly fulfilling and joyful. They will never feel regret for not having followed the world because they will be truly happy. Now that I think of it, it may be the level of happiness of those with the Gospel that threatens those of the world and causes them to lash out. Those of the world aren't completely happy, and instead of being happy for those who are happy, they are threatened and reminded of their own sadness, and in their bitterness seek to make others as miserable as they are. I wish everyone would be more receptive to the Gospel, because many will go their whole lives looking for that little something and never find it because they were not receptive to the Gospel. And if we all had the Gospel, we'd all be a lot happier.

I'm not sure that that was very well put together, but I hope that someone can make sense out of it. I truly believe and testify that the Gospel is the only thing that will provide us with protection and happiness now and in the future. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, and He taught us His gospel because He knows that only those who follow Him will be truly happy. I invite all to follow His gospel not in word only but in deed as well. I love you all very much. Hopefully next time my post will make more sense and be easier to follow. Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hey fellas and gals and everyone!

I'm really sorry that it's taken me so long to get a new post up. I don't really have an excuse except that I've been lazy about it. Also, this post probably won't be anything special or anything like that (just got back from running and I have to have lunch, shower, and get to work). I'll try harder in the future.

Since you last heard from me, several things have happened...I think. See, that's what happens when one doesn't write anything down for awhile. Anyway, I got a job shortly after my last post! I'm really grateful for that job, especially because it gives me something to do for eight hours per day. Also, I'm learning the über important skill of budgeting, 'cause I have all kinds of things that I need to do with my money and not a whole lot of money, so budgeting is a must. I really hope that I do well at it.

I'm also going to single's ward! That's really cool so far. I don't know a lot of people yet (I've only gone two Sundays), but I can feel that it's a ward with a lot of love. The bishopric especially loves the people in the ward, which makes me feel very welcome. I know that I'm going to have an amazing time with that group of people. I'm going to have to start "contacting" people though so that I can get to know them a bit more. You can't get to know a person if you don't say "hi" first. So that's what I'll do! I also have a calling in the ward as an activities counsel member. Basically I'll be planning ward and inter-ward activities like hikes, dances, etc. It should be fun, and I'm excited to get started.

I'm really anxious to get back to BYU. Not in a bad worried about going back way, but in the sense that I can't wait to get back. It's going to be a lot of fun studying again (I know, most of you don't relate the words "study" and "fun", but I do right now), and it'll be even more fun to start dating again. I'm kind of really impatient for that part, but I'll just have to learn patience because classes don't start for me until the first week of September, which is kind of far away. So I'll just spend my time preparing myself to be worthy of whomever Heavenly Father puts in my path. I was listening to the talk "Mountains to Climb" by President Eyring today, and something he said really impacted me. He said (very much paraphrased) that it's the constant doing of right things that determines our integrity. Integrity is also a key to being virtuous and, eventually, worthy of an eternal companion. So the constant doing of right things will prepare me to be someone's eternal companion. I'm glad that I have time to prepare myself even more before I jump back into the ring.

Sorry that this post has been so short and not necessarily full of insight or spirituality. I'll be working on being better, and hopefully you'll be able to see the progress. Thanks as always for your support and prayers. I hope everyone's week is fantastic and that you all can progress as well. Love you all!


Friday, February 22, 2013


Hey howdy hey!

Well, a Monday post didn't happen. In fact, it's Friday, which is far from Monday, but at least I'm writing something, no? I hope everyone has had a wonderful time since I last wrote, and I hope that times will continue/begin to be wonderful after now.

I've had quite an eventful week. I had a visit from Michelle which was quite wonderful indeed! It was amazing to see her after around 2,5 years of not seeing her in person. In truth it was a tad surreal, and it was a very good visit in many aspects. After that visit I made some decisions that I feel were the Lord's will, and then I continued doing everything that I could to get back into the swing of things. The day after Michelle's visit I looked a bit more for work, as I've been doing since week 1 back, which included a phone call to find out the results of an interview that I'd had earlier. The results of the interview weren't the greatest, but the results of the phone call were wonderful. The helpful recruiter informed me of another company that was hiring and asked if I'd be interested in working for them. I said yes, and the next day I went in to fill out paperwork. I didn't actually know that the paperwork would be for my almost immediate employment with the company, but that's exactly what it was. So now, almost 3,5 weeks after returning from my mission, I was employed. I would say that's fairly good work. I'm also happier right now than I have been for quite some time. So, what does any of this have to do with the title of this post? I know that I have received these blessings because of my efforts to stay constantly diligent in the things of the Lord.

What exactly is diligence? says "constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken" is the definition of diligence. In a more spiritual context, diligence can be defined as "consistent, valiant effort, especially in serving the Lord and obeying his word" (The Guide to the Scriptures). Diligence is actually part of the gospel: endure to the end. You can't endure to the end unless you're diligent. When one sees that you have to be diligent until the end, one can be slightly daunted by that thought. Until the end can be a long time. In my case the end might not come for another 65-70+ years. That's a long time. So how can one be diligent constantly? My mom has a saying that can be applied to this situation: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." How is one constantly diligent until the end? One day at a time. But what is it in which we must be diligent? 

There are many things which we must do in this life, and we should be diligent in most all of them. But as it says in Alma, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6, The Book of Mormon). Church leaders constantly impress upon us the need to do several things: daily scripture study; have personal and family prayers; attend Church meetings regularly; and hold family home evenings weekly. By doing these small and simple things, one will be able to develop the faith needed to live the gospel, a faith that leads to repentance, keeping of baptismal and other covenants, living worthy of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and, yep, enduring to the end. These four small actions will lead to a lifetime of diligence and happiness. And while I have not yet experienced a full lifetime, I can testify that diligence does bring happiness and blessings beyond measure. I have tried hard to be diligent in these weeks that I have been back from the mission. I have tried to study the scriptures daily, pray daily, and attend Church activities and meetings. Family Home Evening is a bit of a challenge for our family, but we'll be working on that. I have also been diligent in seeking for answers and seeking for blessings, i.e. work. And now I'm starting to see blessings. If I hadn't been diligent, I know that I wouldn't be in the position in which I am right now. And I can testify to all of you that you too can receive all of the blessings that you need if you are diligent day by day. And if you're being as diligent as you can and things aren't changing, remember this quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley: 

I testify of the veracity of President Hinckley's words. 

I'm looking forward to these next weeks. I know that I'll continue to be stretched and to grow (like I need to get any taller), and I'll continue to learn. I'll find more challenges and more happiness, and "things will work out." I hope that everyone can take a bit of courage from this message and be diligent in all the things, one day at a time. I love you all and wish you all the blessings that Father has for you! May we be diligent in finding them! 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Of new beginnings

Hello my friendlies and strangerlies and families!...that doesn't work as well with families...oh well!

I'd like to apologize for not having written Monday. I'll try to be better at that. I think this week I will be trying to manage my time better, and to do so I will be planning out my time more. I've found that if I don't plan to do anything, it's very likely that I won't do anything. Funny how that works. So the inverse should also be true, no? We'll find out.

Last week I said that I would be trying to work on my patience, and it's a little bit better. I'm still not the most patient person in the world, but I'm at least trying to accept that things won't happen right away. I need to study about patience better, and as I do I'm sure I'll get better.

I'm still learning how to do deal with post-mission life, and today has been no exception. There are so many things that can change over the course of two years. While in the mission, one has an interesting perspective of the world from whence he came. He hears that siblings go to school events and get awards, parents get new church callings, vacations are had, and the like, but none of those things are really real for the in-field missionary. That missionary slightly expects things to be somewhat the same when he returns. He "knows" that things will be different because others have told him so, but he doesn't expect to what extent.

When that missionary returns, he hopes for people whom he left behind to be there to receive him. He hopes for any past loves to be there, any friends, all family, and then he can receive a shock. Friends, while they have the same faces, have changed. Past loves have moved on. Family is different but the same as well, but they're always there for you (thank goodness for that). It can be a difficult time for the missionary. In his past life (i.e. the mission), he knew who he was and where he fit in. He knew who his friends were, he had a family in every ward, and romantics wasn't really a problem because there wasn't time nor a need for it. Life was comfortable. And then getting thrown back into "real" life is...hard. Almost immediately life demands your full attention with schooling, jobs, and searching out that eternal companion. Your friends have almost all graduated from college and are moving on with their lives, and you don't know where you fit in. It's just a lot to do, and if he doesn't have support from someone, real life starts looking bleak.

But he always has someone to count on, even if everyone else has moved on; his Heavenly Father. God never moves, never wavers, and never changes His feelings towards said missionary. He is always there for him. Even in the darkest, most lonely moments, Heavenly Father is there. That is so wonderful! And what more is that Heavenly Father isn't just there to say, "It'll be better", but He actually knows personally what that missionary is going through. God knows the exact things that that missionary should do to be able to move past the pain and the loneliness. If that missionary is faithful, he will receive all of the divine guidance that he needs to find happiness again, and any holes that have been left by unexpected change will be patched up again. All it requires is faith, diligence, and obedience to all that that missionary knows to be true. Little by little the darkness of a bleak life starts to dissipate and the dawn of a new life appears again on the horizon. Further striving brings the tangible blessings, and that missionary finds his place in his new life. I know that this is true because, as you have most likely guessed, I am living proof. The last part is still to be experienced, but I know that it will happen. I know that my Heavenly Father loves and knows me. He has seen all that I have passed through, and He will reward me according to my loyalty to Him, even when the world would have me follow an easier path. I know that all will be well, that I will find a job, get a wonderful education, and find a perfect woman for me, and I know that it will all be in God's time. So I'll just do my duty and let God do the rest.

I hope that I've helped someone out there besides myself. Sometimes these blog entries serve me to remember what I know, so if no one else learns anything, at least I learned something! I hope you have a wonderful week, and I will see you when I see you! Love y'all!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm baaaaaack!

Hello my loyal followers and first-timers and everyone in between!

So it's been a little while since I've written here, and I decided that it was time to repent of my negligence and start a-writing again. So here I go! First off, thank you to everyone who has welcomed me back from the two most extraordinary years of my life until this time. I have felt very welcomed back and you have helped me adapt to this strange new life. Thanks guys!

Adapting is still taking time...I think. I don't know, I haven't really allowed myself a break or anything since I got home. I've been looking almost daily for a job, going to the temple (twice since I've returned!), going to Institute, and the like. It's been a busy week. I've been learning a lot though. I've learned that I really, really don't like not having anything to do, which is probably good because that means that I usually look for things to do. Unfortunately, facebook is always available, so that's been taking up some time, but I will be getting better at limiting my time there. I've also learned that being home requires a lot of patience. A lot. I have the mindset that I should already have a job and be working out daily and have found my eternal companion and such. I mean, I have been home for a full 9 days now. That should be plenty of time to have done all of those things, no? I'm finding out that while it's good to have a drive to do all of those things, I need to accept all things in the time of the Lord. I know that the Lord will help me to accomplish all things, especially my righteous desires. Or perhaps I don't know that as well as I should, and that's why I don't have any patience. Anyway, I am going to learn how to be patient. I'm sure I've said that before, and I truly believe that at some time in my life I was indeed somewhat patient. I need to relearn patience though. I'll be studying patience more and letting you guys know how I'm doing. All I know right now is that if I diligently strive to have patience and am asking for patience on a daily basis, I will someday become patient. It's the someday part that I still have trouble with though. :D I love this statement by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (Patience, a Key to Happiness):
We should not be unduly discouraged nor in despair at any time when we are doing the best we can. Rather, we should be satisfied with our progress even though it may come slowly at times.
I am going to do my best, and I know that I will be satisfied with my progress, no matter how fast or slow that progress comes. This also reminds me of something that President Thomas S. Monson is fond of saying: "Do your duty, that is best. Leave to the Lord the rest." And thus shall I do.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week, and if your week has been less than stellar, perhaps you could take a couple of moments to think of the wonderful, everyday blessings that you receive, and then thank Heavenly Father for those things. Being grateful brings happiness, I promise you that. Have a wonderful week! I would tell you when I will next be writing, but I don't know when that will be. I'll try to do so Monday so as to stay on the former schedule. I love you guys! Thanks for your support in all that I do!


P.S. ...was that ending weird for you too?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Elder Schomburg's Homecoming

I couldn't let a Monday evening go by without posting just one more time.  Elder Schomburg's arrival last Tuesday was a most amazing, emotional day and I thought I would share the photos with all of you. Enjoy and cry - I dare you not to! :)


The adventure begins...

Excited, happy, apprehensive

Self portrait by the photographer

Not even a snow storm dims that smile!

Checking the flight information...

What a ham!


Mother and child reunion

Tears, smiles, tears, smiles, tears...

Welcome home son!
One proud papa

A melt-your-heart moment

Big brother, big hug

The emotions just overflow!
**Due to the emotional incapacity of the photographer, 
hugs between the two older brothers were inadvertently missed. :)

Well done thou good and faithful servant.

All is right with the Schomburg world.
He's home!

Always ready with a smile.

Moonlight Diner
Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice
The Elder-in-waiting
Long day for the siblings
This is what 30 hours of no sleep and international travel look like.

It's not the end, it's only the beginning...

Monday, January 21, 2013

This is it...

Helloooooooo!!!!....(echos into eternity)

This is it, the last letter, the last post in my mission. ...And I'm not sure what to say. I had fully planned on writing something exceptional and helping others, and then my wonderful, amazing mother wrote me a very needed letter. My emotions are so mixed right now. As I read the letter I was crying, and then when I saw the pictures that she sent me I couldn't stop laughing (Dad has got to be the biggest dwarf that I have ever seen).

An Unexpected Party for Elizabeth's 17th birthday!
It was a Hobbit themed surprise party. :)

It's such a strange time in my mission. It seems like the mission will never really end and that this isn't really the last week, that all that everyone tells me is just a big joke and I'm going to stay in Ecuador preaching the gospel for the rest of my life. But I know that's not true. This is actually the last week that I will spend preaching the gospel in Ecuador, and in 8 days I will be on United States soil. As my wonderful mother stated, 
"The "end" of your mission really isn't the end at all - just like baptism isn't the end to an investigator. This is the BEGINNING son! Your mission has been like the preparation you did each day to get ready to compete in a track meet - arriving home is when the meet begins and you start to JUMP!"
This is not the end, but rather is the beginning. I have been armed and prepared with all that I will need to successfully overcome the obstacles that the adversary will throw at me, and there is nothing that I cannot do. I have gained a conversion. With that conversion, which founds me upon the rock of Christ, I cannot be overcome. I will have temptations. I will sometimes trip and possibly even fall, but I will always get back up, because as Isaiah said,
"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that await upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:28-31).
I now have a wonderful opportunity to become anything that the Lord wants me to be, and as I do so, I will receive all of the blessings that the Lord has in store for me. It's an incredibly exciting time. 

It's also a sad time. I now have to leave behind the life I know. I won't be a full-time missionary anymore. I won't be walking the streets with the scriptures in my hand and a badge on my chest. That doesn't mean that I will stop preaching the gospel; I would hope that the way that I lead my life is testament enough of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I will have to work at a job in which they pay me with worldly blessings. I will have to study. I will get married and start my own family. I've tried to do some of those things before, but I've never had to really dedicate myself to those things. Now I understand that everything that I do will have a direct impact on my future and that of my family. I will have to make decisions. I can't sit the fence anymore. Everything will be so different. I will have to find out where I fit in society. But I can do anything if I am firmly established on the foundation of Christ. I won't ever be alone. I won't ever be without direction. I am so grateful for that wonderful gift which I have, and I pray that I will be able to take full advantage of said gift.

I hope that during these two years and from the posts that I have sent every week that all you have been edified and have grown as well. I will continue with my weekly posts in hopes that I might be able to continue helping people throughout the world. I hope that you continue to tune in every week with the desire to learn, because I've got some topics that I would love to expound.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in any way, be it through letters, packages, emails, thoughts, or prayers. I know that I have been strengthened because of your thoughtfulness and prayers. I will do my best to support anyone who needs any type of help.

I know that this is the true Church. I know that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Redeemer. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ and His gospel have been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith, who was called of God to bring to pass this marvelous work. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and indeed is the most perfect book on the face of the planet. I know that that book was written by an ancient American people who was guided by Heavenly Father through His holy prophets. I know that today we are also guided by holy prophets. Christ, as the Head of His Church, has called men today to fill the rolls of prophets and apostles in order to guide us safely to Him. I know that anyone can come to know the things which I know, even the most hard-hearted. All anyone needs to do is sincerely ask Heavenly Father if these things are true, having a true intent to act upon whatever answer that is given. I testify that Heavenly Father hears every prayer and will answer those prayers in His own time. I invite everyone within the reach of this message to start taking a sincere interest in his own spiritual well being and diligently search for the truth. I invite everyone to investigate The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and ask God if this Church is the one true church upon the face of the earth. You all deserve more than just "good enough". I testify that Heavenly Father is 100% willing to give us the best if we will but ask Him. I hope and pray that you do so.

I shall be off now. I love you all very much; that much has not changed nor will it ever. I hope that you all chose to follow Christ, for His path is the path of happiness. Have a wonderful week! I love you all! I'll see you later!

I have no idea - it's just a very happy Elder with a bottle of juice!

Elder Andrew Schomburg

Monday, January 14, 2013


G'day chaps! (I'm not sure, but I may have gone my whole mission without using that one!)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING FLIGHT PLANS: My plane leaves Quito at 12:30 AM Tuesday, January 29th. I arrive in Atlanta at 5:52 AM, and then leave Atlanta at 8:10 AM to arrive in Denver at 9:24 AM local time. MORE IMPORTANT TRAVEL INFORMATION: I will be hungry when I land. 

Okay, now that all of that IMPORTANT INFORMATION is out of the way, let's get down to business ( defeat the Huns...). This week has been a good week for me. In terms of lessons it hasn't been a good week, and it actually had to start off as a horrible week, but after that things took a turn for the better. We held a companionship inventory this Tuesday during weekly planning, and I was brought to a realization that I really needed to have: I am a very prideful man. There were many things happening in our companionship that were a result of me being prideful that caused my companion to become very sad and unmotivated. I had basically been trunky and had just been moping about because of it, and I finally realized that I had sunk very, very low, to the point where I couldn't really sink any more. I was completely unmotivated to work and that just depressed me more, and I wouldn't accept help. Then I realized all of this, and things started to change. I've been studying a lot about humility lately and have come to really appreciate a very well-known scripture in the Book of Mormon.

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them. (Ether 12:27)

The Lord already knows what our weaknesses are and is only waiting for us to allow Him to show what those weaknesses are. Once we recognize our weaknesses, we must rely upon Him 100% so that He can make those weaknesses become strengths for us. It requires one to be humble if he is to allow the Lord to work on him, and it also requires that he relies on the Atonement of Christ. I found out that I had been in this downward spiral because I had been trying to do everything alone. I wasn't allowing the Lord to help me, and because of that I didn't receive His help and ended up hurting a loved one. But thankfuly the power of the Atonement is available to all people at any moment. I am desperately trying to repent now, and I can now recognize how difficult the repentance process can be. Part of my repentance process is to work like a workhorse these next two weeks. In order to do so, I have the goal of contacting 140 people during this week. It's a feat that I've never been able to reach in my mission, but there's still time, so miracles can still be wrought. I'll have to go way outside of my comfort zone, but I'll be able to do it...if I allow the Lord to help me. I'll have to pray a lot during the day so that I may receive strength to talk to roughly 25 people per day, but I can do it. It will be done. I shall not go out without a fight. I shall not go silently into the night. I will go on. 

JEFFREY HAS HIS TEMPLE RECOMMEND!!! WOOOOO!!! That's amazing! Incredible! I get to go to the temple with my brother right when I get back! Yay!! I am stoked!! Yeah! ...Woo!

Congratulations Elizabeth for earning your Young Women's Medallion!! That's a wonderful feat to have accomplished! I am incredibly proud of you! Now keep up the hard work, and you will see blessing upon blessing for your diligence. 

Oh, and I will be writing next week, because next week is my LAST P-DAY. The week after is the week in which I will be FLYING HOME. O.O Blwaaaaaaaagggghh!! That's about all I can write to properly sum up my feelings.

Well, I believe that's all that I have for right now. I hope everyone has a wonderful week that's full of excitement and wonders and amazingfulness! I love you all! Oh, and....

HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH!! AAAAHH!! WHY HAST THOU GROWN UP?? DIDST I NOT COMMAND THEE TO DO NO SUCH THING?? AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I hope your birthday is fantabulous and filled with friendly friends and familiar family! I love you!

Elder Schomburg

Monday, January 7, 2013

It's all about the Goals

Hello to all!!

This week finds me with exactly two to three Mondays left to write to y'all....that's an interesting thought. I say two to three because I don't know if I get to write home that Monday in which I'll be flying home, so I have exactly two to three Mondays left to write to you. Craziness. By the way I'm in Esmeraldas, diga! (When I get home I'll teach y'all how to say "diga" and "ve" and all sorts of things.)

It's pretty exciting that there will be another YSA (Young Single Adults) ward in the Stake. I've been contemplating whether or not I should attend a YSA ward when I get home or not. I would really love a calling and feel like I would probably have more chances of getting one if I were in a YSA ward, but we'll see what happens when I get back.

"When I get back" is a more frequently repeated phrase now that will also come to pass within a short time. Ve.

Some will ask what that slightly ugly Captain America doll is, and I shall tell you. Remember the año viejos that I told y'all about? That's what a small one looks like. They come in all shapes and forms, but some Elders here were kind enough to buy me one while I was in Quito. Why Captain America? 'Cause I am Captain America. It's pretty darn cool, and it says "Andrew" on the bottom of the foot in reference to Toy Story (they were going to put Andy but remembered that I don't really like to be called Andy that much). I might have to use it for its original purpose and burn it before coming home because it's hollow, there's some newspaper wadded up inside that rattles around, and customs might not like that so very much, which all makes me sad, but we'll see what I can do.

Souveniers that are "of" the country...would a hammock from Esmeraldas qualify? I was wanting to buy some shirts for my family (maybe the Ecuador soccer jersey [ojo, all will be fake because the real ones are $45 each], and there's one that says, "The Beatles" and has pictures of Ecuadorian beetles that I absolutely love [I'm a nerd, I know]), and the hammocks here are pretty cool and a cultural item from Esmeraldas (everybody and their dog has a hammock). I'll keep thinking of that. Luckily there's a kind of outdoor souvenier mall two blocks from the offices in Quito, so I'll see what I can find there.

So, has anyone made any New Year's resolutions? I've made a couple, and I tried to make some for the time that remains in my mission, but that was a bit difficult. One of the ones that I've made that I want to uphold is read the Book of Mormon every day. I know it'll be a tad difficult, but I will do it. I always feel more edified when I read the Book of Mormon, so why not read it every day? I also want to learn to play the piano, work out every day (except for Sundays), magnify my office and calling in the Church, and regularly invite my friends to attend and investigate the Church. There are a couple more too (find a good job, study at BYU, get married, etc.), and I'm sure that I'll make more as the situation presents itself, but for now I thought those would be some good goals. I will be putting into practice something that was taught in the zone leaders counsel; how to make goals. For example, I have the goal of participating in the 2016 Olympics. Well, in order to do that, I need to set some smaller goals and keep setting those goals until I reach my big goal. It's a gospel principle as well, as it says in Alma 37:6; "Now ye may suppose that this is afoolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by bsmall and simple things are great things brought to pass...." I'm excited about the prospect to be able to set and reach goals throughout my life. Also, I like something that Elder Ballard says in "Preach My Gospel";

I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.

If I don't have any goals, I won't do anything with my life. My life won't have a purpose if I don't give it one. I know that I am here to prepare myself to return to the presence of my Heavenly Father, but that is a big goal, and if I don't set smaller goals now, I'll never reach that main goal. It's just something to think about. :)

Also, speaking about zone leaders counsel, I felt that the testimony which I bore was what the Lord wanted me to bear. I had been thinking beforehand that I should tell them how I had become to be known as the papá de los cajones (Father of the Drawers, but in the mission a cajón [drawer] is someone who is really obedient and expects obedience from others, and the term is generally derogative and used by the less-than-obedient missionaries) and then bear my testimony of obedience, but when I opened my mouth I just bore my testimony of obedience. I felt that the words I spoke were sufficient for what I know and of what Heavenly Father wanted me to bear testimony.

Well, I shall go now. I love you all and wish you all the blessings that Father can give. I know that by following the Saviour we earn the greatest blessings in life. Have a wonderful week! I love you all!

Elder Schomburg