So, I am basically super-duper grateful for mothers, especially por la mía [for mine]. She is wonderful and amazing and incredible and every wonderful word that one could think of to describe a mother. Thank you for being mi madre, Madre!
In case you hadn't guessed, I got to hear from my wonderful family yesterday! My madre sounds healthier and happier than ever, as well as does mi Padre, Jeffrey's voice is almost as deep as mine I think, which really throws me for a loop, Elizabeth is growing up, something that is strictly forbidden, and so is Robby! Madness!! But it was soo good and reinvigorating to be able to hear to them. Also, in lieu of the photo which I recently received in the most recent email, ZZ Top wrote "Sharp Dressed Man" while in the spirit of revelation, having seen Jeffrey and Robby in their suits and ties (bow-tie=class).
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This is the photo to which he referred. |
So I had planned on writing something really spiritual about the Atonement, but then my Madre wrote to me and got me all to thinking (not to mention she stole my topic, so surely I can't write about that now, can I?). I really liked something that she said about fighting emotions. This is something that I've been doing my absolute best to do throughout my mission, but turns out that I'm the "crocodile's prey". She explained...well, Imma just copy down what she said, for she said it so well!
"The more you fight the feelings (which are natural and normal), the bigger they will be and the more likely you will be to get distracted from your purpose and your mission. That is what Satan wants... he wants you to fight and fight and fight until you feel that you have to give up. Then he wins. I call that the "crocodile death roll." :) A crocodile will grab its prey by the neck and try to drag it under the water. When the prey begins to fight, the crocodile starts rolling over and over and over in the water in the attempt to drown its victim. It continues to roll until the prey dies. The only thing that will save the victim is for it to stop fighting and float to the top. The crocodile isn't interested in prey that isn't fighting (usually) and they will just leave it alone. The only way to stop the struggle is to allow the Savior to take it from you. Just let go of the fight and float to the top where He will rescue you."
So, Imma own up to it. I miss a lot of people right now, and I'm a tad frustrated with the way the work is going right now. I miss Michelle a ton, I miss all of my family members like I'm getting paid to do so, and I'm really, really tired of hearing the phrase, "I'm busy right now" (the most uttered phrase while contacting and the #1 reason that we don't get in the door). BUT. This is a new week, is it not? Do I not have the wonderful opportunity to commit myself to the Lord again and to gain even more strength from Him this week? He knows that I need the strength, and as long as I'm trying to keep my covenants He will bless me with that strength. And it's all thanks to the wonderful Atonement which the Lord Jesus Christ carried out. If it weren't for His sacrifice, He would not have obtained the knowledge necessary to provide God's children with the strength to overcome the world. But He, the Saviour Jesus Christ, has conquered the world, and we can trust that He will give us strength to overcome the world as well.
As is stated in the third Article of Faith, "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel." That last part is importantísimo. If one is not obedient, the Lord has no promise with us to help us, and His Atonement only works for those people who accept Him as their Saviour through obedience to His Gospel. How grateful am I that I can receive strength in the most challenging of my times because I am trying my hardest to be obedient! And we all have the same promise, if we are obedient.
Hey, something super spiritual! Yay!
Well, I think that's all I have for today. We didn't play futbol today because Elder Vega and I decided to clean the house and then be lazy (yay for rest!), but all is well! I shall get my working-out in during the week. Okay, well, I shall be off now. I love all of you very much, and I'm grateful for all that you do for me. If it can be spared, more pouch would be wonderful. I love you!
Elder Schomburg
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