Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Hello there guys!

Sorry about last week. I had to go to Quito to get my censo, which is basically a driver's license thingy that says that I'm allowed to be here. We had to take the long way to Quito since the main route was closed due to mud slides, so I had to spend the night in Quito. Also, I don't know how much time I have here today. Time seems to be something I never have enough of, especially on P-days. Also, I just heard about Bin Laden earlier today from one of my zone leaders. That's pretty big news. I don't really think it means a lot down here, but it might. Oh, I also heard that Ecuador and the US aren't on the greatest of terms, so ALL packages are going to be searched before they get to me. I'm glad to hear that the package that mi madre sent arrived at the offices. It hasn't made it to me yet, but I have been getting a little mail. This past week was a bit slow, but that's okay. I'm finding that I'm getting pretty caught up and lost in the work here. I'd like to appologize if I accidentally neglect any of you because of getting caught up in the work. Also, the Thursday before last I sent another package, so it should be arriving soon I hope. I'll be sending another package this Thursday if I have a chance to. It might be a smaller package because of my lack of time to write letters, but I'll try to see what I can do.

OH, HAPPY NEWS. This Sunday I get to call home!! I'll be calling at around 2 PM my time, which should be 12 PM your time. Be ready!!

Some have wondered where I have internet access. We got to cyber cafes to write. That's basically where everyone who wants to go online goes. Sometimes it's difficult to find room, but it's not too terrible. It does make me appreciate the States much more though. (Oh, also, the US is in fact the best country in the world, though Ecuador is pretty cool too.)

Yesterday was a pretty special day as far as priesthood activities go. I got to participate in 3 blessings. The first was one of comfort that I was just a participant in, one I got to do an annointing, and another I got to give a blessing of healing. It was pretty amazing. That was the first blessing of healing that I'd done in espaƱol. I think it went fairly well.

This past week we didn't have any baptisms, and we won't have any this week I don't think, but it hasn't gotten me down. Right now we have 16 investigators with commitments to baptism, and we'll definitely be getting more dates as the week goes on. The work is going very well here. The Santo Domingo zone (that's our zone) is actually famous in the mission because, and I don't mean to sound stuck up, it's just a fact proven by numbers, we're the best in the mission. I feel very blessed to have arrived in this zone very first, though I do wonder about what that means for my future. Also, since I'm entering into my 5th week in the field, Elder Huarahuara has kinda made me acting senior companion. That's gonna be quite a thing. I have to decide who we visit, how we plan, all kinds of stuff. It will be a good learning experience though. Also, we're going to be getting calls about changes very soon (supposedly today), so we'll see what happens there.

I'm very sorry to hear that Atlas passed away. He was a good cat, but I guess he was just tired of holding up the world.

We have lunch at a mamasita's house about 4 days of the week, and the rest of the time we either eat at a restaurant (usually chinese because it's cheap, and it's not chinese like you guys know. You guys have better food all the way around, except fruit. I dunno. Oh, along with this aside is another; I've found that I absolutely love apples now.), or we cook at home. I have never had as much rice in my life, but that's okay. I like rice, especially when I cook it, cause then I can be creative (like rice with sugar and grilled pineapple in it). Oh, also, I had the most declicious drink. It's called jugo de fresa con leche, which basically means strawberry milkshake minus the icecream. If I had a blender (and I've had to refrain from buying one just to make more drinks like this) I'd have it every day. It's delicious.

I was so thrilled to hear about Robby's baptism and Elizabeth's Easter Cantata!! I'm very proud of you, Robby, for making the decision for yourself to be baptized. I hope you had a very good time, and that you continue to build your testimony. Also, good job Elizabeth!! I cannot wait to hear your singing. I'm sure it's lovely.

It's weird to think about snow. That's so far from a possibility here in La Concordia. It might be possible in Quito (the nights are pretty chilly, and the rain is not warm at all), but definitely not here.

Nothing really big happened on Easter. The week of Easter seemed to be bigger than Easter itself. There wasn't really anything special in church, but all the Catholics here went all out for the Santa Semana. But not a lot happened. There were some talks on the Savior, but not much other than that.

Oh, I still have all of my body parts (tonsils included), so no worries. I've been fairly healthy. Since I've been here there have been a few days when I just did not feel good, but in general all is well.

Okay, I should probably go now. I love all of you! I'm very sorry to those who won't get to receive cards from me for awhile longer, but being a servant of the Lord takes up all of my time. I love you all very very much. Keep staying strong, and keep on sending letters (not cards, since they don't seem to make it, and insurance might be a good thing for packages. Also, DO NOT send money in the mail at all. It's actually something that I was supposed to tell you that I don't know if I did. Thank you!), and I'll do my best to respond. I love you all!

Elder Schomburg

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